FamilySearch Labs: Family Group Trees and the Together App (March 13, 2024)

This week's exciting topic was "FamilySearch Labs: Family Group Trees and the Together App."  These are new features of FamilySearch that were made public just one week ago.  The Family Group Trees feature has been in the works for over 7 years and allows a family to create a private place on FamilySearch where the living members of the family can create a tree of the living where everyone can see everyone else in the group.  Memories and sources can be added and everyone in the group can see them. Yes, this is OK to do inside these living groups.  The Together app is a new app that you can use to share tons of things about yourself and your family and share with the living members of your Family Group Tree.  

 Here is the YouTube Link for the class recording

Here is the Link for the PDF of the Slides


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